Enlightenment In Motion

Enlightenment In Motion

Our enterprise celebrates a vivid tale of 68 years of factual stories born from the world of end results of technological imagination, innovation and motion.

Today the sky lantern candle is lit to fly again in motion as it’s ignited for a new destiny of our assembly plant .It enlightens, illuminating the path of knowledge for future car production within the universe of immersive digital ,energy and power transformation.

A world of motion of a flying lantern simply energized with the heat of a candle light. And so is the future of the Automotive sector in Venezuela   .

We think that with art and science inspirations with creative innovation in the world of motion enlightens the future path of Automotive market in Latin American region especially with the evolution and destiny of our Assembly Plant in Venezuela to start assembling vehicles for domestic and international market..


Under a cyclical law of the Creator of the Universe ,the new cycle of our industry reignites to come to life brilliance with a new story teller within a new and revolutionary digital, energy and power innovations.

Painting artist May Aref Kansao

Painting artist May Aref Kansao

Cultural Enlightenment

Mr.Aref Kansao (RIP) Doctrine,”to improve and evolve is to change.
To be perfect, just flow with the cycles of changes within the universe and nature’s order, as natures laws governs the universe”. It allocates our Team minds and souls to God’s; the Architect of The Universe, constant evolutionary creation ,production and reproduction cycle in the most perfect innovative and creative way possible, in a well balanced planetarian order and nature itself. Its an advanced corporate culture in our corporate team.

Painting artist May Aref Kansao

CM has created a distinctive business planning and management mode with perceptive vision along the road of an evolutionary innovation, that is leading in the global auto industry, and with great hope it will shine and lead soon again in the auto industry of Venezuela.


Painting artist May Aref Kansao

Painting artist May Aref Kansao

Nature’s Science fusion with Art and energy.

A fountain of creativity of our team is constantly nourished and conceived with the evolutionary challenge to create vehicles with natures science that fuses art with none contaminated energy, as Gods wanders of creation. It may surprise you, that in this part of the world of paradise wanders, beauty, energy, and power, prevails as an inspiration, freely given by nature to produce friendly environmental vehicles in harmony with natures perfection in art, colors, and science.You may profoundly wander seeing and feeling a perfect natural powerful machine as the Casiquiare river flowing uphill to connect to Orinoco river that flows silently with its magnificent energy and flow power without gasoline, electric, or green or magnetic power use. It travels 2.250 Km through rainforest, vast grass and a wide delta before ending its epic journey at the Atlantic Ocean. For those who seek perfection we invite them to to join our challenge today to better fuse nature with science in an animal machine at our” fabric of fabrics”, assembly Plant. 

Friendly vehicles within the laws of climate and nature

Our future strategy outlines how we plan to make this future a reality and friendly to natures laws and climate, and be the leading brand on sustainable friendly feasible mobility. We feel committed to a number of goals that promise to revolutionize the industry from one powerful, combustion engines, to an innovator in electric technologies, offering hybrid options with the hope of becoming end-to-end climate neutral and climate positive and in harmony with nature. Virgen truth of the universal laws obliges. It’s designed by our creator and witnessed as a cause and counter effect born from the laws that at a dusk, due drops condenses to nourish flower petals and green leaves with a wet blessing to continue adding beauty and the air breath of livings, or the laws seen by deaf bees tailoring webs of wax to illuminate darkness and elevate to heaven the shining word of God within light of fire, or the judgement of movements of the moon producing tidal waves of oceans in harmony with sea life fed by each other under a cycle of life production and reproduction of new birth of livings ,or by dictated laws of a scream of lightening followed by a trembling thunder, or the spray of nature with its rain particles of evaporated gifts of oceans to quelch thirst of rocks, creatures and animals, or the laws of living under freezing winds that covers valleys with a mantle of snow, to hibernate bears and trees in a long deep sleep of rest after fighting for the fittest; surely they rest in a deep static sleep in a cold time made to stop life hard ships and regain energy to keep living, and so on an so forth as planets rotate in balance with the sun to maintain the the same order and rithim of a universal equilibrium.